Directions For Your Care After Extraction(s)
- Bite on gauze for 20 minutes.
- No eating until the numbness is gone.
- Eat cool and soft foods for the rest of the day.
- No drinking through a straw for 24 hours
- Don’t eat anything “pricky” such as potatoes chips or pretzels for a few days
- Take Tylenol or Motrin at your normal dose as needed.
- No swimming for three (3) days.
- If prolonged bleeding occurs, moisten a tea bag with cold water and bite down.
Local Anesthesia
*Your child has had a local anesthetic for their dental procedure.
- If the procedure was in the upper jaw- the teeth, lip, and surrounding tissue may be numb or “asleep”.
- If the procedure was in the lower jaw- the tongue, teeth, lip, and surrounding tissue may be numb or “asleep”.
- Often children do not understand the effects of local anesthesia and will scratch, suck, or play with the numb lip, tongue or cheek. These actions can cause minor irritations, or they can be severe enough to cause swelling and abrasions to the tissue.
- PLEASE MONITOR YOUR CHILD CLOSELY UNTIL THE NUMBNESS WEARS OFF (approximately 2-3 hours following the appointment)
- You can leave the gauze in the mouth if they keep trying to bite their tissue or lip.
- It is often wise to keep your child on a liquid or soft diet until the anesthetic has worn off.
- If your child does bite their lip, cheek or tongue by accident, the area will usually swell and ulcerate but should heal completely within 7-10 days.
- If there are questions or concerns, do not hesitate to call the office Lansdale Office Phone Number 215-855-4092